Cara mendownload di lewat PC tanpa menggunakan tusfiles accelerator : Setelah masuk ke halaman link download,silahkan hilangkan tanda centang disamping text "Download with TusFiles accelerator and get recommended offers."Yang terdapat di bawah link download.
How to download in through PC withoutusing the accelerator tusfiles: After logging into the download link page, please remove the check mark next to the text "Download with TusFiles recommendedaccelerator and get offers." Located under the downloadlink.
Download Link's :
Music Quiz2_360x640.jar - 365 KB
Music Quiz2_240x432.jar - 254 KB
Music Quiz2_320x240.jar - 210 KB
Music Quiz2_.240x320.jar - 250 KB
Music Quiz2_208x208.jar - 179 KB
MusicQuiz2_176x220.jar - 179 KB
Music Quiz2_176x208.jar - 179 KB
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